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Earth 2002.1.1.0000a-A
Reptilian Creatures rule the Earth

This was a harrowing experience for the travelers that journeyed to Earth 2002.1.1.0000a-A. It was just one of those typical excursions where we pick a frequency and travel to a world in our current time. Usually this allows us to find some differences from the history of that world which we can then travel to and examine closer. However, it became very evident right off that in this reality things had diverged a long time ago.

The first thing was the buildings. They appeared to be glass structures, which we thought odd, but before we could do much things went very awry. Apparently the IRTV's, which usually can be made invisible to the citizens of that reality, was not masking its presence from the denizens of this Earth. A reptilian humanoid appeared from the trees and without much hesitation approached the IRTV. He made a strange guttural noise and more creatures appeared. It was at this point we took the lone photograph we could of this world. 

As you can see, the creature was pretty close to the IRTV and the others were approaching fast. What really alarmed the travelers though was the appearance of the flying craft. It immediately turned in the direction of the AERC travelers and the decision was made to immediately leave this Earth .

From the short visit and the photograph we were able to determine a few things. First, this world was dominated by advanced reptilian creatures capable of speech, flight and of building great cities. In addition, the transparent nature of the structures leads us to believe that these creatures were cold-blooded and needed the transparent walls to keep in the sunlight as much as possible.

One question which we do not have an answer for is the origin of these creatures. Based on what we saw, we couldn't determine if these were merely evolved dinosaurs or whether perhaps at some point in the history of this Earth did reptilian invaders from another world voyage to the planet and eliminate humans before they became the predominate dwellers of this world.

This is one earth we will definitely have to return to at some point in the future.


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